As odd as it sounds (to me anyway), the always-stunning
Diane Cluck is playing her one and only northwest show in the city of Marysville, Wa. It's a town I grew up near and, as I told her, have never even heard of a show happening in. Maybe a couple Christian shows when I was in high school, but that's a definite maybe.
While sadly I can't make it, I would encourage anyone in the vicinty to try to make it. It's sure to be different from any other venue you might see her in and the small suburb-y town might be really excited...or really confused. Either way would be interesting. Oh, and, if you go, bootleg it for me.
June 13th (tomorrow!) 5004 88th St. NE, Marysville WA 98270, 8pm-ish ("in the converted garage, behind Blake & Julie's house").
Diane Cluck- My Teacher Died (Live in Olympia)Diane Cluck- Not Afraid to Be Kind (Live in Seattle)
She has an outstanding voice.